Just as the Sunflower follows the sun...
So shall the Women of God follow the SON!
Facts about the Sunflower...
· It blooms where it is planted
· The sunflower moves as the SUN moves above - never taking its face off of the SUN
· The flower is strong and sturdy and can with-stand much of the elements of nature.
· Sunflowers produce hundreds of seeds for harvesting more flowers.
We as Christian Women Should…
· Bloom through God wherever we are planted
· Turn our face upward and follow the "SON!"
· Know we can stand strong and sturdy through the rough elements of life.
· Produce many seeds for the…. ‘SON Harvest.’
The Message?
BLOOM for the SON
PRODUCE SEEDS in the name of the SON!
If you are interested in beginning a Ladies Ministry within your church, CJ has the experience and knowledge in helping you...
· put into place a LEADERSHIP TEAM
· provide preparation team training
· assistance in organizing your first year of events, classes and speakers
CJ will do support follow-up with your Leadership Team for the first six months.
For more details contact 'SON'flower Ministries.